Grace Kids Elementary (1st - 4th Grade)

Kids of this age are explorers with many questions who also want to be known. Consequently, we try to write a weekend experience which has a small group time with consistent leaders and a large group that is EPIC. EPIC stands for Experiential, Participatory, Image-rich, and Connected. When appropriate, we will teach the same topics as adult worship to facilitate spiritual conversations at home. We have an incentive Bible Bucks program as well. Kids earn Bible Bucks for bringing their Bible, bringing a friend, memorizing our series verse and for other positive engagement. The last weekend of the month, kids can spend their Bible Bucks on items for themselves or for the outreach of the month. We value fun, relationships and sharing the Bible in kid language so they can grow to be outward-focused followers of Jesus.

Weekend Programming

Elementary classes meet during all service times at all campuses for grades 1-4th grade. 5th graders are welcome to join GK Elementary if Grace FiftySix is not meeting during the service they are attending. Weekend programming consists of Kids Worship (or kid church service) and Small Groups (our version of Grace Groups for kids).


New Believer Class

When your kid makes a decision to follow Jesus, we want to help them take their next steps as a believer. Our New Believer Class is designed to be a fun way for kids to learn how to read and study the Bible, how to pray, explain what worship really means, and answer their hard questions. This class is a 5 week short term study just for kids. This class is designed for grades 3-5.

North Overland Park

Why Baptism Class

Once a kid has made the decision to follow Jesus we encourage them to attend our “Why Baptism? Class” with their parents. This class is a class designed to walk kids and parents through what it means to be baptized. Is your kid ready to be baptized? We’ll help you ask the right questions so you can make an informed decision. Baptism is so much more than getting wet. At the end of the class you and your kid will have a chance to decide if your kid is ready to be baptized at the next Raised to Life Service.

Bible Bucks

The Bible Store is a fun way to teach kids about giving and being outward-focused. Bible Bucks can be earned each week by bringing a Bible to church, participating in discussion, memorizing the Bible verse, etc. One the last full weekend of the month kids can spend their Bible Bucks in the Bible Bucks Store. They can choose to buy snacks and toys for themselves and/or buy needed items for our church outreach partners. We’ll focus on a different outreach partner each month. All Bible Bucks given to an outreach partner will be matched dollar for dollar as real money that really goes to those partners. We encourage kids to start giving a percentage of their Bible Bucks “earnings” toward outreach as a way they can be outward-focused. When they give and how much they give is up to them.

Class-girl laughing

Repeater Room

Repeater Rooms are available for the kids of volunteers that stay for an extra service. Kids still need to attend their grade level Grace Kids class one service, but they can choose to go to the Repeater Room for an additional service if their parents are volunteering. Space is limited and reserved for just the kids of volunteers. The Repeater Room is a fun space where we can build community and dive deeper with this consistent group of kids.

Summer Breakout (SBO)

SBO is our version of VBS...but so much more. In June we offer a morning and an evening session of SBO. This is a time for us to dig in deep in an extremely fun filled way! It’s loud, it’s messy, it’s a little crazy, but it’s a ton of fun! This is the time that we see the most kid salvations.

Summer Camp

Summer Camp happens at the end of the summer right before school starts. It’s a way for us to refocus and prepare our hearts for a new school year. Kids dig into God’s word and build connections with fellow Grace Kids. This is for kids that are going into 3rd-5th grade.

Grace Special Needs

We are a special needs friendly ministry and inclusive church. Visit our Grace Special Needs page for more information about this amazing ministry.

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