Life Is Better Connected – Grace Groups Are Where That Happens

Grace Groups, on average, are six to twelve adults who meet regularly throughout the year to pursue spiritual growth and healthy relationships. You’ll be encouraged to live out the truths you discover in the Bible, as you encourage others to do the same. Grace Groups meet on various days, times, and locations. We are so excited you are here, we can’t wait to connect with you!

We offer Grace Groups for a variety of demographics:





Join a Group and Group Starter

We invite you to Group Starter, a unique opportunity to join a brand new Grace Group. Grace Groups are small groups of about 8 to 12 people that meet regularly throughout the year to pursue healthy relationships and spiritual growth together. If you are interested in joining us for Group Starter, please click the buttons below.

More Info

Lead a Group

The primary role of a Grace Group Leader is to create a regular, predictable, and safe environment where people can pursue spiritual growth and healthy relationships. We will train you and help launch your group well through our Group Starter sessions. Our team will also provide ongoing support for you and your group throughout its duration.

As the leader, your goal is to love the people in your group as you partner with the Holy Spirit in guiding them, caring for them, encouraging them, and helping them care for one another.

What resources are available for my group? Childcare Reimbursement Group Serving Opportunities Curriculum Development Guide Curriculum Resource Grace Group Leader Orientation

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