
Are you turning?

Jul 14 2022 - Justin Raby
1 Kings 13:33 - Let’s walk through this passage together to make sure we understand it and then see how it could be devotional and affection stirring for us.

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"Uh, which way do we go, George?"

Jul 5 2022 - Eric Buresh
When I was a toddler, my dad would occasionally play old cartoons for me. In the 1940’s cartoon Of Fox and Hound, a dopey dog named Willoughby was constantly asking a fox named George, who Willoughby never suspected of being a fox, which way the fox went. George invariably pointed Willoughby over the edge of a cliff or in some other precarious direction. I suppose the moral of the story was that we need to be careful who we ask for directions.

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The Justifier

Jun 29 2022 - Eric Buresh
Do you ever wonder why God saved us but left us in bodies of flesh, knowing we would keep sinning? He could have just redeemed our bodies right away, but He didn’t. Why? That was a big question for me, and I did not understand the truth for a long time.

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Did He Hear Me?

Jun 22 2022 - Eric Buresh
I love to pray! It is such a privilege and honor to boldly go before the throne of God – a privilege bought and paid for by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. But, good grief, I didn’t understand prayer for such a long time in my faith walk. Looking back over the years, I am befuddled, but not surprised, at the immature, arrogant, and ignorant way I used to view prayer...

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Serious Joy

Jun 15 2022 - Eric Buresh
As children of God, we should pursue the greatest, fullest, and longest joy that we can possibly imagine. Yes, we should want no less than permanent, unshakeable, unwavering joy, happiness, pleasure, and delight. Serious joy that cannot be lost or taken away.

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