Hear and Follow

Apr 14 2023 - Amy Raby

We want abundant life, but sometimes we make finding it so complicated. Yet, “whoever does not receive [abundant life] as a little child will by no means enter it.” Luke 18:17. A child can do it. The map can’t be that complicated. 

And here it is: “My sheep hear My voice . . . and they follow Me.” John 10:27. At Grace, we’ll often say, “Ask God, Listen, and Do What He Tells You.” It’s that simple. Hear and follow. This the Way to abundant life. I spent some time this last week studying John 10, and I encourage you to join me in giving some of your time to the familiar and simple picture Jesus paints with His Good Shepherd illustration. 

The sheep hear his voice; and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. 

We hear Him! And He calls us by name! How amazingly full of grace is the fact that the God of the universe would condescend to know our names and to speak to us. He leads us, but He doesn’t push us from behind or drive us. No, He goes before us so that we can follow Him, and we do follow Him because we know Him. We know this Shepherd is faithfully good. He has laid down His life for us (and He took it back up). We trust His voice because it has always been and always will be True! This dependent trust is what we call faith. 

Yet they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers. (vs 5). 

Every other voice is the voice of a stranger -- a thief or a robber (vs 8). Those that harm us by deception and false words, or manipulation. We don’t listen to the voices of strangers. We don’t recognize them. Their voice is different from the True voice. We stay away from these voices. They want to steal our abundant life. We do not follow these strangers. 

By hearing and following the Good Shepherd, we have life, and have it more abundantly (vs 10). Abundant life is more than life. Safety, clothes, food, shelter, and many other things are important. The things of life. But we were not created for mere life. Our souls were made to yearn for infinitely more than mere life. We were made with a desire for deep, soul-satisfying life – abundant life. Abundant life is not about having stuff. It is about having God! Being in His presence where there is fullness of joy and pleasures that are infinite in both quality and duration. There is only one Way to abundant life, and only the Good Shepherd knows it. So we follow Him! 

Thank you, Jesus, for being our Good Shepherd. Thank you for calling us by name. We hear your voice, and we will follow. You lead us to soul-satisfying pastures. You are the only one that knows the Way!