
My Father Never Sleeps

Jan 27 2023 - Eric Buresh
The One Who Never Sleeps (Psalm 121)

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Fear the Lord

Jan 20 2023 - Eric Buresh
I was recently watching some folks ice skating at one of our local rinks that pop up in the winter. My attention was drawn to a father and young son, probably five or six years old and obviously new to the rink. The boy was trying to be independent. He would shuffle along, and the dad would skate close by him. As the boy would lose his balance, he would grab for his dad’s hand or arm and steady himself.

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A little more “Oh!”

Jan 17 2023 - Eric Buresh
Paul spent the first eleven chapters of his letter to the Romans showing the unfathomable plans of God in redemption, culminating in Paul’s impassioned doxology. Here, I’m using a little different language to broadly summarize Romans 1-11 in hopes of rekindling a little more “Oh!”

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Poor in Spirit

Jan 13 2023 - Amy Raby
Parenting is hard. Anyone who has ever done it in any form will confirm. It’s a roller coaster of joy and frustration. Children bring exhaustion and perseverance unlike anything else. We have four of them, and they hold some of our greatest delights and biggest trials.

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Sunday Cynic

Jan 6 2023 - Amy Raby
It’s been several months that I’ve felt the Spirit chipping away at something. Although He’s probably been doing it all my life, it’s been significantly evident lately.

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