
An Underwhelming God

Feb 28 2023 - Amy Raby
How big is your God? If His name is Jesus, Yahweh, Emmanuel, Holy Spirit, Jehovah, God the Father, Adonai…there is no measure to Him! There’s no grabbing on to Him and trying to make Him fit into a mold. He cannot be contained. He cannot be shrunk to anything less than He is!

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Feb 21 2023 - Eric Buresh
As I mentioned in my last post, the Spirit has recently fixed my heart on the issue of unity and in our body at Grace. Fellowship in unity in Christ is so sweet as David described in Psalm 133 and Jesus prayed for in John 17. Such a beautiful thing!

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A Prayer For Unity In Our Body

Feb 17 2023 - Eric Buresh
The Holy Spirit has been fixing my heart and mind recently on the unity of our body of believers we call Grace Church. We’re in a spiritual battle. It’s increasing every day. How can we make the joints and sinews of our body stronger so we can withstand? Unity.

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You Hold the Keys of the Kingdom

Feb 10 2023 - Eric Buresh
I’m so excited about our body’s focus this year on personal evangelism – on sharing the One Message with our family, friends, and neighbors (all those with whom God places us in contact).

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You Are Needed

Feb 3 2023 - Eric Buresh
Imagine these voices with me from the silent thoughts of fellow Gracers: “I came to church struggling with how I could have a relationship with God when I’ve done so many things wrong. You’ve dealt with the same questions. I needed to talk to you. Where were you?”

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