The Proverbs 31…Man?

Dec 22 2023 - Amy Raby

Proverbs 31 is most famously known for its detailed and beautiful description of a virtuous woman. There are entire women’s ministries based off of it, pillows quoting it, necklaces and decor capturing the phrases for women to proudly display. I was taken by surprise when I read the chapter this week and realized it opens with a lineup of characteristics for a man! Nearly a third of Proverbs 31 is a charge to a son about what it means to be a man! Lemuel receives these words from his mother, and although she eventually gives him wise guidance about a godly woman, she begins with teaching him how to be a kingdom-minded man. 

I won’t go into all the garbage our culture has fed us about men, but I think one of the biggest inflictions is leading men into prisons of misplaced strength. The world encourages men to take what’s theirs, to macho their way to control and domination whether in the corporate world or the bedroom. To curb weakness and tenderness while inflating power and brawn. Men do have unique strength, God-given to be precise, but this strength was never intended to be turned inward and bottled up for self-preservation or ego-arousal. God created men especially strong for other reasons.  

Lemuel’s mother reminds him of several things, but I just want to highlight her final exhortations to her son. These are, in my humble opinion, the gifts men have been robbed of as they fall under the deceptive lullabies of workism and entitlement.   

“Speak up for those who have no voice, 
For the justice of all who are dispossessed. 
Speak up, judge righteously, 
And defend the cause of the oppressed and needy.” Proverbs 31:8-9 CSB 

We tend to judge a man’s strength by his physicality, his wallet, or his influence of power, but the Scripture suggests a man has great strength in his voice! Twice in just these two verses men are encouraged to speak up. In the New Testament, Paul instructs, “Therefore, I want the men in every place to pray...” (I Timothy 2:8 CSB). Think about Jesus. He wasn’t a threatening presence because of His stature or ability to intimidate. He was powerful as He spoke light into darkness and challenged the wolves who sought to devour the weak. He was also totally dependent and connected to the Father. 

This beautiful God-given strength woven through the fabric of men is for the defense and righteousness of another, not for selfish gain. For defending the oppressed and needy. For speaking up on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves. For going after injustice on behalf of the vulnerable and misused.  

I say all of this, not as a slam to the men around me, but as a challenge to live more fully as the men God invites you to be. I know some amazing men who have taken up this cause of kingdom-mindedness, but I know in my heart of hearts, there are more of you, and the church needs you! The church needs strong men who aren’t afraid to receive orders from their heavenly Father to fight in the trenches for His children. Strong men who are faithfully pushing back darkness, fighting for pure righteousness and laying down their own lives for the sake of another. Strong men who depend on the Father in their own weakness, pain and need. I pray men will rise up, come out of the woodwork, and link arms with Jesus as He leads and empowers His sons and daughters with strength like no other.