
Joy For An Answered Prayer (a poem based on Psalm 130)

Aug 25 2023 - Eric Buresh
Joy For An Answered Prayer (a poem based on Psalm 130)

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The Symbol of Our Rebellion

Aug 18 2023 - Eric Buresh
The Bible does not use this word in this context, but I think it is fair to say we are rebels in this world. We rebel against the “prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience.” We rebel against the continuing dominion of the flesh that formerly reigned over us. We rebel against the influences of the world that are at work against the influences of the Spirit in us. We are part of the rebellion!

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The Hopelessness of Perfectionism

Aug 11 2023 - Eric Buresh
I’ve written previously about the fact that my Christian walk for many years was marred by an unhealthy shame. It was not shame that led to confession and restoration (good shame), it just led to guilt and separation (unhealthy shame). Like I was supposed to be perfect. And an expectation of perfection breeds hopelessness and despair. I fell prey to what I call a half teaching (or maybe it would be better to call it half doctrine) that I’d bought into. It’s something I think we all deal with in one context or another because many of the teachings of the Way are meant to lean against each other in equal proportions and so support the other (like the poles of a teepee), but when we give more weight to one than another, things get off balance.

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Moving Beyond Inspired

Aug 4 2023 - Amy Raby
I love to be inspired. That soaring feeling inside when something beautiful or powerful or unthinkable awakens my soul to life, just a little bit more. Whether it’s a Sunday sermon, a heart-piercing melody or a book about fighting injustice, inspiration is like wind that pulls the kite higher and higher.

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My Daughter is Gay

Aug 1 2023 - Grace's Middle East Missionary Partner
Four years ago, our 20-year-old daughter sat my wife and I down and told us that she didn’t believe in God and that she was gay. We were heartbroken. After years of raising her in the ways of the Lord, she was choosing to reject the way of Christ. Since then, it’s been a constant journey of prayer, discernment, grace, and love as we figure out how to relate to our daughter. One of the things God has done in us is, direct our prayers.

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