
A Conservative

Jul 28 2023 - Eric Buresh
If you haven’t picked up on it yet from my history of posts here, I am what many would call a religious conservative. To quickly deescalate the trigger my previous sentence may have caused, definitions are so important. First, my conservative status has nothing to do with politics. If you want to know my political leanings on various issues, you would need to ask me issue by issue.

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The Map To The Fountain

Jul 25 2023 - Eric Buresh
In a recent post, we celebrated the Fountain of Living Water. It is a beautiful picture of our satisfied, joy-filled life in Jesus as we drink from His eternally thirst-quenching, always abundantly flowing, cascade of spiritual sustenance. We are reminded that when we experience discontent, a lack of joy, anxiety, a troubled heart, when we grow faint and weary, or when we are tempted to seek our own satisfaction in any other source – in those moments, it is not as though the Fountain has run dry.

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Restoring the Soul

Jul 21 2023 - Eric Buresh
To end several posts delighting in the Word, a poem based on Psalm 19:7-11.

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Lest We Forget

Jul 18 2023 - Eric Buresh
You know that thought you sometimes get when you are just leisurely reading through a Bible passage, and, then, suddenly, your mind says, wait a minute, He’s talking to me! You pause, you go back, read it again . . . sure enough, He’s talking to me. That happened this morning, and actually, I think He was talking to us – the Grace family -- so I’ll share it.

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Fountain of Living Water

Jul 14 2023 - Eric Buresh
In a recent post, we looked at the picture of Christ coming into the world as light reaching into and overcoming our darkness. Today, I want to celebrate one of my favorite metaphors for Jesus – the Fountain of Living Water. It is dear to me. I think about this image of Jesus many times a day. The thought of Jesus as the well-spring of my life keeps me going. It keeps me cool and satisfied. And, if you make it a part of your daily thoughts, it will for you as well!

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