
Am I a “poser?”

Aug 23 2022 - Eric Buresh
A few weekends ago, I was a poser. A good friend of mine invited me and another good friend to go to his fishing cabin for a weekend of trout fishing and relaxation. I’m not a trout fisherman.

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An Example of Genuine Reformation

Aug 19 2022 - Eric Buresh
In his July 14 post (Are you turning?), Pastor Raby writes about King Jeroboam in 1 Kings 13, who heard the Word of God and stubbornly refused to turn from his evil ways. Jeroboam was a negative example, i.e., don’t be like him.

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How to Make the Insignificant Significant (Col. 3:22-24)

Aug 17 2022 - Eric Buresh
The way we think as human beings cracks me up. I mainly laugh at myself. But it is also fair to say that after I notice my own comically wrong thinking (or, more accurately, the Holy Spirit shows it to me), I can usually spot the herd I was following.

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Walk Worthy

Aug 12 2022 - Eric Buresh
Last weekend, on a whim, I sat down and watched parts of Saving Private Ryan – one of the few movies I’ve watched multiple times over the years. I’m not a huge fan of war movies. There are a few, however, that have characters and stories that are just so compelling.

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God in the Mundane

Aug 9 2022 - Justin Raby
Why do you not typically see glory in the ordinary? Think about the movies we watch, when was the last time you witnessed an ordinary, mundane, boring person saving the day or being the hero. Our culture is so fascinated with the extraordinary, the special, the significant, and if we take an internal inventory and are truthful with ourselves we often want to be those people (Is it just me?).

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