Love Your Enemies?!?
Jun 16 2023 - Eric Buresh
Jesus’ teachings in His sermon on the mount (Matthew 5-7) are just so mind-bogglingly counter-cultural they would almost seem outrageous if they didn’t simultaneously call out in the Spirit-filled heart, YES! That’s right! That’s beautiful! Our “natural” thoughts are so upside down and opposite of God’s thoughts.
Indeed, Jesus openly acknowledges the counter-cultural nature of His commands. In Matthew 5:21-48, He introduces six different commands each with the statement, “you have heard that it was said . . .” and then He sets the record straight in terms of God’s will. Jesus is saying, “Here is what the world says, but now I tell you something different.” These teachings are hard precisely because they are so against the bent of our natural thinking and what we see in the world around us. Yet, these commands are at the very heart of teaching us what it is to be image-bearers of God. Or, in Jesus’ words, the light of the world imaging forth God’s light to His glory (5:14-16).
As I read Jesus’ sermon in these versus, it is the last of the six commands that finds the most resistance in me personally. “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.” (5:43-44) For most of my life, when I read those words, my mind would shout, “Are you kidding me? You can’t be serious.” Candidly, I openly opposed this command for way too long. I loved to hate my enemies. That is what the world taught me, and I was unfortunately gifted and strategic at it.
Thankfully, the Holy Spirit reshaped my heart, but it wasn’t by directly teaching me to love my enemies. Rather, He taught me more and more and more that God is perfect and beautiful. The Holy Spirit showed me that this perfect and beautiful God loved His enemies. I was God’s enemy, and He loved me! (Romans 5:8-10). God killed His perfect Son for his sworn enemy (me and you). I love that! I want to be like Him! I do pray for and bless my enemies now. Not because of them or because of me, but because of Him. That’s who He is and by the power of His Spirit, that’s who we’ll be.
Enemies are everywhere, and it is a quickly changing status. An enemy is anyone who crosses your path, whether for a moment or for years, that opposes you. Even if for a moment, they resist you, contradict you, cross you, antagonize you, or make life hard for you, they can be an enemy in that moment. Those closest to you – a child, a spouse – can be enemies from time to time. Those far from you – visualize those antagonizing social media instigators who make fun of your beliefs – can be enemies. Next time you encounter an enemy, pray for them. Ask God to bless them richly in the very best ways possible. Sincerely desire for them to have the greatest, longest lasting joy. Do unto them what God has already done unto you. And the world around you will have a little more of His light!