
Have you seen His face today?

Sep 9 2022 - Justin Raby
This week I have interacted with many of you that are going through hardship, affliction, pain and hurt. I have had folks weep in my office this week sharing the loss of deep grieving situations. Promises broken, expectations shattered, words that cut.

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A Prayer for our Anniversary

Sep 6 2022 - Eric Buresh
My wife and I are coming up on our anniversary. To get you in the ballpark, we have been married to each other for a larger portion of our lives than the portion we have not been married to each other. It’s hard to grasp. I still feel like a kid sometimes. Time moves so quickly.

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The Fight to See

Sep 2 2022 - Eric Buresh
I want to pass along the single best piece of advice I have received to this point in my life. At the time when this advice landed on me as a heavy and well-struck blow, it would be generous to say that my faith was a smoldering wick (Isaiah 42:3). I’m not totally sure there was any spark of faith at all.

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Power Up!

Aug 31 2022 - Eric Buresh
The Holy Spirit is sometimes an under-appreciated member of the Trinity that occupies a few catchphrases in our prayers but otherwise is given little thought. There are at least a couple of reasons. First, it is the Holy Spirit’s very nature and role to be deferential to God the Father and the Son.

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Writing God’s Word on Your Heart

Aug 25 2022 - Adam Seitz
RING RING RING!!! The shrill and piercing sound of the alarm clock now awakens us with the start of school, and a much earlier start to the day than we had all summer. And, if we are honest, the alarm clock doesn’t just wake us up to start a new day.

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