
Be Still (Psalm 46)

Nov 18 2022 - Eric Buresh
Be still and know that I am God...

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My Parents Were Christians, I’m Good…

Nov 15 2022 - Adam Seitz
It’s difficult for those of us in the United States to relate to a monarchy with their kings, queens, princes, princesses, and all the pomp and circumstance. But, with the Queen of England dying, it is the only thing in the news cycle. One of the most fascinating parts of the monarchy in England is the idea of heritage.

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We’re Not Worthy

Nov 11 2022 - Adam Seitz
As a child of the 80s and 90s, I grew up watching Saturday Night Live. One of my favorite skits was Wayne’s World. Two wannabe rockers, living in their mom’s basement, with long hair, ripped jeans, and catch phrases only a teenager could love. The skit eventually became a movie (like every SNL skit in the 90s) and lives on today through GIFs and memes.

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What’s Your Evidence?

Nov 8 2022 - Eric Buresh
If you’ve ever had the “opportunity” to participate in a trial in a court of law, perhaps as a juror, you’ve heard a lot of talk and instructions about different types of evidence. There is documentary evidence, there can be physical evidence, and there is always testimony or spoken evidence.

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Nov 2 2022 - Eric Buresh
It takes, on average, 4 minutes to read one of these blog posts about the Word of God. Why is that useful information? If the time to read it is too long, do you skip it? Too much work? Too much commitment? If it’s that long, it must be too boring?

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