
Pressing Into Easter

Apr 7 2023 - Ann Wall
he Easter story is all things to all men for all time. If you haven’t yet, somewhere along the way you will find yourself within it. Easter is a story of death and life. People are mesmerized with the idea of life after death. Of course death is scary for most, but not as much if you get to live on afterwards!

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Brothers and Sisters

Apr 4 2023 - Eric Buresh
It’s been a couple weeks, but my thoughts are back today to the notion of unity in the little body of believers we call Grace. In years gone by, in a setting such as ours, I would have been known as Brother Eric (or just Brother).

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Don’t Let Go – Lessons in Wrestling God

Mar 31 2023 - Amy Raby
It’s a funny thing to be held in the arms of an unseen God. He holds everything there, but somehow it never gets crowded. There’s a special space for a soul. Sometimes it’s right wrapped up in His arms, but it doesn’t always feel like the warm Father’s hug we might imagine swooping down from heaven wrapping us like a thousand feathers.

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God is in Control

Mar 28 2023 - Eric Buresh
The truth of God’s sovereignty is so important to my daily sanity. The fact that He is in control of every detail is at the core of my confidence in every circumstance I encounter. Joined with the fact that He is always perfectly good in His purposes (Romans 8:28), His sovereignty is my foundation.

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Delight He Offers

Mar 24 2023 - Amy Raby
A Poem: Delight He Offers

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