
What is Holiness?

Apr 28 2023 - Eric Buresh
Maybe I’m alone on this, but the concept of personal holiness is one of the subjects in our faith where, in my flesh, I would prefer not to talk about it. The fact that we, as believers, are to be holy (1 Peter 1:15-16; Ephesians 1:4; 2 Corinthians 7:1; Romans 12:1) is not my go-to line in polite conversation. Rather, this tends to be one of the areas where I am inclined to “help God out.”

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Longing for the Pure

Apr 25 2023 - Amy Raby
When was the last time I experienced something pure? Unmodified. Unbiased. Unenhanced. No agenda, real and raw. True and sincere.

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The Friends We Need

Apr 21 2023 - Eric Buresh
I am so thankful that God has blessed me with friends. When I use the word friend, I have a specific definition in mind. It is a person with whom I share a trusting two-way vulnerability, a person who cares about me enough to speak Biblical truth to me when I need it, and who cares enough about Jesus to gracefully receive Biblical truth from me when they need it.

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The Forsaken Miracle

Apr 18 2023 - Eric Buresh
God has always desired to be with His people. He consecrates a space and invites us in. For Moses it was in the thunder and lightning on a mountain top. For the high priest it was behind the temple veil in the holy of holies. For the disciples, it was wherever Jesus was—around dinner tables, on boats, in synagogues, in gardens and mountains and fields (John 2:19-22). For us, it’s anywhere we are (I Corinthians 6:19-20)

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Hear and Follow

Apr 14 2023 - Amy Raby
We want abundant life, but sometimes we make finding it so complicated. Yet, “whoever does not receive [abundant life] as a little child will by no means enter it.” Luke 18:17. A child can do it. The map can’t be that complicated.

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