Be Still and Know

Apr 19 2024 - Eric Buresh

In the tumultuous seas of life, when the storms rage and the winds howl, there is a call that resounds through the ages, a call that echoes from the very heart of God Himself. It is a call that reaches out to every one of us who will listen, regardless of our station or circumstance. It is a call that pierces through the chaos of the world and speaks directly to the depths of our souls. It is the divine command found in Psalm 46:10, "Be still, and know that I am God." 

Oh, how these words ring with power and authority! “Be still,” says the Almighty. Amidst our anxieties, our worries, our doubts, He bids us to cease our striving, to quiet the clamor of our hearts, and to rest in His presence. It is a call to surrender our burdens, to relinquish our control, and to acknowledge His sovereignty over all things. 

Yet, how often do we find ourselves caught up in the whirlwind of life, frantically trying to navigate its twists and turns on our own strength? How often do we allow the noise of the world to drown out the gentle whisper of God's voice, beckoning us to draw near and find refuge in Him? 

But consider the blessed assurance that accompanies obedience to His command! For in the stillness of our souls, we encounter the very essence of God Himself. It is in the quiet moments of listening and prayer that we come to know Him more intimately, to experience His unfailing love and boundless grace. 

“Be still, and know that I am God.” Let these words be engraved upon the tablets of our hearts, guiding us in times of trouble and leading us to the peace that surpasses all understanding. For in the stillness, we find our strength renewed, our faith restored, and our hope rekindled. 

Consider the life of Elijah, the prophet of old, who stood before the Lord on Mount Horeb. During his own turmoil and fear, he heard not the thunder or the earthquake, but the gentle whisper of God's voice (1 Kings 19:11-12) rang true. So too, may we tune our ears to hear His whisper amidst the storms of life, trusting in His unfailing love and unwavering faithfulness. 

And as we embrace the stillness, let us also remember the words of Jesus, who said, "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28). Let us find rest in His arms, knowing that He is ever faithful to sustain us through trial and tribulation. 

Beloved, let us not be consumed by fear or doubt, but let us anchor our souls in the unshakeable truth of God's Word. Let us be still and know that He is God, our refuge and our strength, a very present help in times of trouble.   

Thank you, Father, for this great verse and for your Peace!