
The Dreaded Spiritual Practice

Jun 13 2023 - Amy Raby
God has been surprising me lately. I love that. Just like when your kids or spouse or friends reveal a side of themselves you haven’t seen before or share something about themselves you didn’t know before. It’s beautiful and leaves me in wonder and even more in love.

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The Greatest Worship Set Ever

Jun 9 2023 - Eric Buresh
In my last post, we looked at the incredible perfections of our future home, the New Jerusalem. Where God is the radiant light for which the summer sun now gives us just a weak glimpse. In May each year, I like to read through Revelation and think about being, physically, in the presence of God.

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Walking Through Shadows

Jun 6 2023 - Amy Raby
Can I be real with you for a minute? I have spent most of my life battling fear. From a young age, I’ve been afraid of the normal things like the dark and spiders, but I’ve also been afraid of being abducted, murdered, and dying in general. I don’t enjoy the fact that still, at the age of 38, I’m afraid of the dark and of someone peering in my window at night or waiting in the backseat of my car to kidnap me.

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The New Jerusalem

Jun 2 2023 - Eric Buresh
I’ve heard about these mythical families with kids that like long road trips. While it may exist, this was not the reality in my family when our kids were growing up. We tried the long drive vacation a couple of times, and it was comically disastrous. We quickly became a “get there as fast as possible” family. We focused on the destination and the travel became the price of admission.

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Sheep and Snakes

May 26 2023 - Eric Buresh
One of the many things I love about Grace is our church-planting vision. We are entering the season where we are starting to send out our current residents. Some are still waiting for God to show them the details of their next steps, and some have their God-given assignments and are ready to go out and plant churches.

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