Faith that Saves Every Day

Jun 28 2024 - Eric Buresh

Have you heard the phrase “saved and being saved?” The concept is that, by receiving the gift of faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you were in a single moment fully and finally declared righteous and saved from the penalty of your sin unto eternal life in Christ. Then, by that same faith in Jesus Christ, you are being saved on an ongoing basis every single day from the chains of sin, pride, fear, doubt, etc. that had previously enslaved you.   

Even though you are fully and finally saved in the eternal sense, you still have the daily, moment-by-moment choice to be saved by faith in Christ to supply all your daily needs. The psalmist reflects this choice in the well-known words of Psalm 20:12 (ESV): “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.” Here, King David contrasts two paths in our daily lives: the path of worldly reliance and the path of divine dependence.   

Consider, first, the folly of trusting in chariots and horses. In David's time, these were the pinnacle of military might and security. The nations around Israel boasted of their powerful armies, their swift chariots, and their strong horses. They found their confidence in the arm of flesh, in the tangible and the visible. But, all such trust is ultimately vain and perishable! Chariots break, horses fall, and armies fail. In our lives today, we may not trust in literal chariots or horses, but are there not modern equivalents? Do we not place our confidence in our wealth, our health, our relationships, our own abilities? How easily do we lean on the broken reed of human strength, only to find it splintering under the weight of our trials! 

Now, let us turn our gaze to the path of divine faith, the path of wisdom walked by those who trust the name of the Lord our God. What does it mean to trust His name? It is to remember His character, His promises, His mighty deeds, and to rest in His faithfulness, His omnipotence, His unchanging nature. 

Here lies a faith that saves every day. When the storms of life assail us, it is not the strength of our resources but the strength of our God that secures us. When sickness invades, when finances dwindle, when relationships fracture, we have an anchor that holds firm—the unchanging name of the Lord. 

His name is Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord our Provider. In our lack, He supplies. His name is Jehovah-Rapha, the Lord our Healer. In our sickness, He heals. His name is Jehovah-Nissi, the Lord our Banner. In our battles, He fights for us. His name is Jehovah-Shalom, the Lord our Peace. In our turmoil, He calms. Each morning, let us rise with the name of the Lord on our lips. Each evening, let us lay down with His name in our hearts. In every trial, let us call upon His name, knowing that He is mighty to save. 

And remember, this faith is not a one-time act but a daily faith. It is faith for the mundane and the monumental, for the crises and the commonplace. It is a faith that sees us through every valley and every mountaintop. For faith in our Lord, and in Him alone, is our salvation, our hope, and our everlasting strength.