
A Letter To A Brokenhearted Friend

May 17 2024 - Eric Buresh
I hope this letter finds you in the gentle embrace of peace, even if it’s just a sliver, as you journey through the shadows of your pain. I cannot begin to understand the trauma you are experiencing. I have not walked your path and I have not experienced burdens so heavy, but I want you to know that you are not alone in this journey. Your resilience in the face of extreme adversity is a testament to the strength that resides within you, a strength drawn from and nurtured by the unending grace of our loving Father.

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What is Freedom?

May 14 2024 - Eric Buresh
We often sing, echoing the words of 2 Cor. 3:17, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom!” Two questions come to mind: 1) what is this freedom in concrete terms? 2) being persons who have the Spirit (i.e., we are where the Spirit of the Lord is), why is it often the case that we don’t feel free?

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Guarding the Vineyard

May 3 2024 - Eric Buresh
I don’t typically venture to write on the Song of Solomon. But in the poetic and profound text, we find rich imagery and deep spiritual truths woven throughout its verses. One such verse that captured my attention this week is Song of Solomon 2:15, where the bride speaks to her beloved, saying, "Catch the foxes for us, the little foxes that spoil the vineyards, for our vineyards are in blossom."

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Be Still and Know

Apr 19 2024 - Eric Buresh
In the tumultuous seas of life, when the storms rage and the winds howl, there is a call that resounds through the ages, a call that echoes from the very heart of God Himself. It is a call that reaches out to every one of us who will listen, regardless of our station or circumstance.

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Longing and Surrender

Apr 12 2024 - Eric Buresh
As I continue my faith journey, one of the things I’ve noticed that candidly surprised me is that I need Jesus more and more the further I go. I’m not sure why, but I used to think it was the opposite. I thought the faith journey was somewhat like a child, who, as they matured, needed their parents less and less. I thought I would gain independence as I grew.

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