Let Justice Roll Down
Feb 11 2025 - Eric Buresh
Around Grace, we frequently talk about being outward focused followers of Jesus. Being outward focused can look a lot of different ways for each of us, but it’s always good to keep in mind that, at the highest level, our driving goal is to be outward reflectors of the heart of God and His presence in us to the world around us. So, as we look at society around us and the opportunities it creates for us to shine the Light that is within us, we need to know what God delights in and what He hates in the world.
The book of Amos teaches us much about God’s strong care for justice in society. In Amos’s time, the nation of Israel had fallen into a grave state of social decay. The rich oppressed the poor, justice was perverted, and the vulnerable were trampled underfoot. Amos, moved by the Spirit of God, stood amid this corruption and declared: “But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream.” Amos 5:24. Amos reminds us that God is deeply concerned with how we treat one another in society. He desires justice and righteousness to flow abundantly, as a river that brings life and nourishment to all.
Our God is a God of justice. He is not indifferent to the plight of the oppressed or the suffering of the poor. Throughout the book of Amos, we see God’s desires that justice be done in the gates, where decisions are made, and His desire that righteousness be the foundation of society. Justice is not a peripheral issue; it is central to the life of any community. When justice is neglected, the weak and vulnerable suffer, and society is diminished. The cry of the poor, the orphan, the widow, and the foreigner reaches the ears of God. He is a defender of the weak and calls His people to do the same. Amos highlights the disparity between the rich and the poor, the exploitation of the needy, and the corrupt practices that deny justice. God’s desire is for His people to reflect His compassion by ensuring that all are treated with fairness and dignity.
Pursuing justice requires more than passive acknowledgment of the problems in society. It demands active engagement. It means standing against oppression, advocating for the rights of the poor, and ensuring that systems of justice are fair and equitable. Justice must flow like a river, continuously and abundantly. True justice in society encompasses both systemic change and personal responsibility. While we must address the larger structures that perpetuate injustice, we must also examine our own hearts and actions. Are we treating others with fairness and compassion? Are we using our resources to help those in need? Each of us has a role to play in bringing about the justice God desires.
The pursuit of justice can be daunting, and the problems in our world can seem overwhelming. Yet, we have hope because of the redemptive work of Christ. He is making all things new, and one day, He will bring perfect justice. Our efforts are not in vain, for they are part of His redemptive plan. May we be stirred by the Spirit to act with compassion, to speak out against injustice, and to bring the love of Christ to a world in need. As we do so, may we see the river of God’s justice flow through our communities, bringing healing, restoration, and opened ears to the ultimate redemption that is found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ that we represent and proclaim.