Like a Child

Jan 17 2025 - Eric Buresh

What do you aim to be in your faith journey? My answer to this question has varied a lot over time, but the gyrations in my heart have settled over the last decade or so. My aim now, the target I frequently check my heart against, is that I desire to be like a child in the presence of my Father. Jesus, in one of His tenderest moments, surrounded by children, calling them to Himself, declared a profound truth: “Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.” Luke 18:17. What a rebuke to the proud and self-sufficient! What a revelation of the character of faith! Let us consider the qualities of children that make them such good examples for us as believers. 

A child exemplifies dependence. Children have no wealth, status, or accomplishments. They are empty-handed, depending entirely on the care of others. The child’s dependence mirrors the posture of faith: a humble acknowledgment of our inability to save ourselves and a complete reliance on Christ. “Blessed are the poor in spirit,” said our Lord, “for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” To come as a child is to come with empty hands, saying, “Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to Thy cross I cling.” 

A child trusts easily. When a loving parent offers a promise, the child believes without hesitation. There is no doubting, no questioning, no calculating. The child rests in the assurance of the parent’s love and ability. In the same way, we are called to trust the promises of God. How many struggle with doubt, refusing to believe unless they can fully comprehend! But faith does not demand understanding; it rests in the character of the One who speaks. Are you resting in the simplicity of a child’s trust? Will you trust Him as the child trusts a loving father or mother? 

Children are eager to learn. Their hearts and minds are open, unencumbered by the pride that so often hardens adult hearts. They ask questions, they listen, and they receive instruction with joy. Pride resists correction, but humility welcomes the Word of God as a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Are you willing to be taught by the Scriptures? Are you open to the Spirit’s leading, as a child is open to the guidance of a loving parent? 

Have you ever seen the joy of a child? Their world is full of wonder. A flower, a butterfly, a small adventure with mom or dad—all these can spark delight in the heart of a little one. This is the heart of faith: a joy in the Lord, a delight in His presence, and a wonder at His works. How often do we lose this as we grow older! Cynicism creeps in, dulling our sense of God’s glory. Beloved, the presence of God is a place of eternal joy. To enter it, we must rediscover the childlike awe that finds beauty in every promise of Scripture and glory in every act of God. 

Let us learn from the little ones. Let us humble ourselves, trust our Father, and live with the joyful delight of children in their parent’s care. Then we shall find the kingdom of God open to us, not as a reward for our efforts but as a gift from our gracious Savior. To Him who calls us, who saves us, and who welcomes us into His eternal joy, be all the glory forever and ever. Amen.