The Sudden Coming

Dec 27 2024 - Eric Buresh

When I was a religious hypocrite, I used to study the signs of the Lord’s second coming for the purpose of assuring myself it wasn’t close. In opposition to all my end times study and hypothesizing stood the simple message of Matthew 24:36-44 that the Lord will return at a time nobody expects or knows – SO BE READY. I really didn’t like that passage! 

The suddenness of Christ’s coming used to be a dreadful prospect to me. And I think it is to anyone who wears the outward garments of religion but whose hearts are far from God. They go through the motions, attend the services, and say the prayers, but their treasure is not in heaven. Their treasure is in the things of this world—wealth, power, reputation, or pleasure. 

What terror will seize their hearts when the trumpet sounds! They will cry out, “Lord, Lord,” but He will answer, “I never knew you.” They may have fooled others, even themselves, but they cannot fool the omniscient Judge. The suddenness of His coming will strip away their pretense, revealing the barrenness of their souls. Oh, my dear friends, let this not be your condition! Do not rest in the empty shell of religion. Be sure that Christ is your all in all. If His coming fills you with dread, it is a sign that your heart is not yet right with Him. 

In contrast, for the true believer, Christ’s sudden coming is a glorious hope! If you are in Christ, His coming is not a thing to fear but a thing to long for. Why? Because at any moment, in the twinkling of an eye, you could be in the literal presence of your Treasure. Is not Jesus the delight of your soul? Have you not often prayed, “Come, Lord Jesus”? Have you not felt the pangs of separation from Him, longing to see His face, to hear His voice, to be with Him where He is? His sudden coming is the fulfillment of our deepest desire. 

Think of it! You could be working or lying in your bed, and in an instant, you will be with the Lord. The burdens of this life will fall away, and you will enter the perfect joy of your Savior. The trials that seemed so heavy will be forgotten in the light of His glory. For the believer, the suddenness of His coming is not a threat but a hope. It reminds us that we are pilgrims here, that our true home is with Him and that we could join Him there anytime.  

If you struggle to find hope in His return, set your heart upon Him a little more every day. The more you love Him, the more you will long for His return. The suddenness of His coming will not disturb the one who daily walks with Him, for to such a soul, His presence is already their joy. Let us not shrink from the thought of Christ’s sudden coming. Let us welcome it with joy, for it is the blessed hope of His people. To the unprepared, it is a warning; to the true believer, it is a promise. Live, then, ready, and let your heart cry out with the Church of all the ages: “Even so, come, Lord Jesus!”