
May 24 2024 - Eric Buresh

I want to invite you to do some of your own writing. When we think of testimony, we most often think of what we are going to share when witnessing to our non-believing friends or family. And that is good and true. However, testimony is also a powerful blessing you can share with your brothers and sisters in the body of Christ.  

In Psalm 66:16, we see a profound call to testimony: “Come and hear, all you who fear God, And I will declare what He has done for my soul.” This verse embodies the essence of sharing your personal experiences of God's faithfulness—a practice that holds transformative power in the life of both the giver and hearer of the testimony. 

Testimony is not merely recounting events from our past; it is a deliberate act of proclamation, an offering of gratitude, and an invitation to witness the workings of God in our lives.  

Notice that the psalmist's invitation here is directed to believers: "Come and hear, all you who fear God." The psalmist is urging us to listen and share in one another's experiences of God's goodness. In a community of faith, testimonies knit hearts together in mutual encouragement and edification. 

Notice also that the psalmist's testimony is personal: " I will declare what He has done for my soul." Our stories of faith are uniquely crafted narratives of God's intervention, provision, and grace in our individual lives. By reflecting on God's deeds, we deepen our understanding of His character and strengthen our personal relationship with Him. 

Consider the impact of sharing testimonies within the body of believers. As we hear how God has answered prayers, healed sicknesses, restored relationships, or provided in times of need, our faith is stirred, and our hope renewed. Testimonies serve as living proof of God's active involvement in the lives of His people. 

The act of testimony is a very personal and very profound act of worship and gratitude. By recounting God's deeds, we acknowledge His sovereignty and goodness. Testimonies are expressions of praise, affirming that God's work in our lives deserves to be celebrated and shared. 

In Revelation 12:11, we read of those who conquer through "the word of their testimony." Testimonies are not idle words; they are declarations of victory over the schemes of the enemy. As we testify to God's faithfulness, we align ourselves with His truth and experience the liberating power of His grace. 

I encourage you to heed the call of Psalm 66:16 and embrace the transformative power of testimony. Take some time to right out some words of testimony. Share them in your Grace Group or discipleship huddle or wherever you find community. Praise your God and edify your brothers and sisters in Christ.